3 min read
The SME Development Finance Corporation (SDFC) holds heavy ground in strengthening the Maldives' entire SME industry. Even though the policies of SDFC is steered towards reaching out to as many...
4 min read
Each business has its unique story to tell, but there are certain common factors that enable them to be successful and their 'lessons learnt' can prove invaluable for new start-ups.
4 min read
The Maldives is a nation with a very high concentration of bright, talented, and motivated people. MSMEs are almost commonplace, yet not all of the necessary ingredients are in place...
3 min read
There are a myriad of laws, regulations and policies to wade through when setting up and running a business, whether it is a company aimed at exports abroad or set...
5 min read
The Maldives tourism industry has undergone different development phases since tourism started in the 1970s. With most tourist establishments developed as resorts in separate uninhabited islands, and because of the...
4 min read
Ever since the invention of the silicon chip, information technology in all its forms has been changing and improving exponentially. The entire globe is in a race to keep up...
6 min read
The Maldives has, for the most part and over thousands of years, had several mediums of unique artistic expression from etchings and boat building to carving and weaving — even...
3 min read
Maldivian society is filled to the brim with creative and entrepreneurial individuals. At a time where more people are able, and seeking, to merge their passions into careers, the number...
3 min read
So the mantra goes – that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) make a major contribution to an economy, both in terms of development as well as in job creation. According...