Low number of re-registrations for the upcoming election

The Election Commission of the Maldives (EC) recently released information indicating that only 40,000 individuals need to re-register for the approaching election.

PSM News

PSM News

As the countdown to the Presidential election in the Maldives approaches, the entire country finds itself engulfed in a cloud of uncertainty. With less than two months remaining, candidates have gradually launched their campaigns, and the general public is witnessing the diverse promises and priorities being set forth by the contenders vying for the nation's highest office.

The stakes are undeniably high as this electoral event will mark a significant milestone for many citizens—those who recently attained the legal voting age of 18. With the power to shape the future of their beloved nation, these first-time voters hold the key to ushering in change and progress. Additionally, for several individuals, this will be their maiden experience voting in new locations and possibly even different countries, adding an air of novelty and significance to the occasion.

The lead-up to the election has been nothing short of intense, with candidates leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to reach out to the electorate. From bustling city centres to remote island communities, their campaign trails have been marked by passionate speeches, policy unveilings, and interactive sessions that engage citizens from all walks of life.

Despite the extensive election efforts and the tireless awareness campaigns by various organizations emphasizing the significance of every eligible citizen's vote, the Maldives faces a concerning situation as the upcoming election draws near. Startlingly, a staggering 57 percent of people have yet to re-register their place for voting.

The Election Commission of the Maldives (EC) recently released information indicating that only 40,000 individuals need to re-register for the approaching election. This figure pales in comparison to the 80,000 to 90,000 people who were required to re-register for the previous Presidential election.

As the calendar approaches August, with just one month remaining until the pivotal election, the reality remains daunting. Out of the 40,000 people who need to re-register to be eligible to cast their votes, a mere 42.5 percent have taken the necessary steps to ensure their participation, raising serious concerns about voter turnout for the upcoming Presidential election.

The situation demands immediate attention from both authorities and citizens alike. The democratic process hinges on the active involvement of all eligible voters, and it is crucial for individuals to exercise their right to vote to ensure a fair representation of the people's will.

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