MTCC pursues legal action against DRP over unpaid debts
MTCC has pursued legal action against former President Gayoom, seeking repayment of MVR 1.1 million owed by the now-dissolved DRP.

The Times of Addu
MTCC has pursued legal action against former President Gayoom, seeking repayment of MVR 1.1 million owed by the now-dissolved DRP.
The Times of Addu
In recent times, a troubling trend has emerged in Maldivian politics, where political parties seem to be accruing debts during election periods and subsequently evading their financial responsibilities. The issue has come to the forefront once again, exemplified by ongoing legal disputes involving prominent political entities.
Island Aviation Services initiated legal proceedings against the Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) for an outstanding payment of MVR 5.6 million related to campaign-related flights. Despite the passage of time, the MDP has failed to settle this debt, leading to prolonged litigation that has spilt over into the new year.
Adding to this financial saga is another notable case involving the once-dominant political force, the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), and its former leader, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has pursued legal action against Maumoon, seeking repayment of MVR 1.1 million owed by the now-dissolved DRP.
Although the Elections Commission (EC) has dissolved the political party due to the lack of members in recent years, the unsettled payments to MTCC underscore the severity of the financial mismanagement within the party. Despite its former stature and influence, DRP has found itself unable to settle its financial obligations.
It remains to be seen how these legal disputes will be resolved and what implications they may have for the future of Maldivian politics. However, one thing is clear: addressing financial accountability must be a priority for all political stakeholders to uphold the integrity of the democratic system.