Maldives this week: 19 – 25 August 2021
MDP lawmakers start a petition calling for a referendum, and the Minister of Finance says Moody's did not consider current situation, progress in ratings downgrade.

MDP lawmakers start a petition calling for a referendum, and the Minister of Finance says Moody's did not consider current situation, progress in ratings downgrade.
On 24 August, the President's Office, sharing concerns raised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, informed the Presidential Commission of Asset Recovery of irregularities in obtaining the statement of a Sri Lankan national in the corruption investigation into Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, Ahmed Mahloof.
On 22 August, new Chinese Ambassador to the Maldives Wang Lixin arrived in the Maldives. In a message shared via Twitter, she said that China was looking forward to working closely with the Maldives to strengthen bilateral ties.
On 21 August, lawmakers from the Maldivian Democratic Party started a petition calling on President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to hold a public referendum to vote for parliamentary system in the Maldives, in accordance with the MDP's manifesto. On 22 August, Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed announced that he will support candidates in the upcoming MDP national council elections, who supported a parliamentary system. On 24 August, an additional seven members of parliament signed the petition, bringing the total number of parliament members who signed the petition to 15. On 23 August, Spokesperson at the President's Office Mohamed Mabrook Azeez said that the government was implementing a manifesto of the coalition parties and that there was no mention of a parliamentary system in it. On 23 August, acting leader of the opposition, Abdul Raheem Abdulla said that the opposition supported a presidential system.
On 19 August, Minister of Tourism Abdulla Mausoom announced that homestay tourism will be introduced in 2022. Homestay tourism is part of President Solih's election manifesto.
On 19 August, the MNDF said that a Panamas flag carrier had run aground off the K. Rasfari reef. On 21 August, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) said it was assessing the damage to the reef.
On 19 August, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, during his visit to Thaa Atoll, said that the government was considering imposing an additional tax on agricultural imports where the products are already produced in the Maldives. He has also said that the government will provide basic services on all inhabited islands in the country, regardless of the island's population.
On 18 August, Minister of Finance Ibrahim Ameer issued a statement saying that Moody's evaluation of the Maldives' credit rating had not considered the country's economic situation and progress. Moody's had downgraded the Maldives from B3 to Caa1 in its last review. On 22 August, the Governor of the Maldives Monetary Authority Ali Hashim raised concerns on the ratings downgrade, noting that it will have an impact on seeking investors willing to invest to expand the Maldivian economy.
On 18 August, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Eva Abdulla requested the 241 committee of parliament to carry out a threat assessment for the Maldives with the Taliban takeover of Kabul, Afghanistan. On 24 August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it was closely monitoring the situation in Afghanistan and has as yet not made a decision on accepting the Taliban.
On 18 August, Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed appointed British QC Kirsty Brimelow to represent him in the investigation into the 6 May terror attack against him. On 18 August, opposition Member of Parliament Adam Shareef called for the Speaker to resign, given that he had announced he will not be returning to the Maldives until the investigation was complete.