Cases of Measles detected in the Maldives
According to statistics, close to 90 percent of all children under the age of 15 were infected with measles globally.

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According to statistics, close to 90 percent of all children under the age of 15 were infected with measles globally.
Babycentre UK
The topic around the importance of vaccination has started in the Maldives yet again after two measles cases were detected in Addu City.
While measles was detected as early as the 9th century, the real work to protect the Maldives against the highly contagious disease started over four decades ago. The first vaccination for measles was invented back in 1963 and a better and more advanced version of this vaccine was created in 1968. The distribution and real work towards eradicating measles began.
The world towards immunizing the people in the Maldives started four decades ago when the country started working with the World Health Organisation, as the country was introduced to the MCV 1 vaccination as part of the immunization program. While the work towards immunization was extremely hard as people hid away to avoid the vaccination process.
However, over time the Maldives along with Sri Lanka became the first two countries in the World Health Organisation’s South-East Asia region to eliminate both measles and rubella ahead of the initial target which was 2023. Until now, the Maldives held over 95 percent immunity to this disease.
Though many may not know the reality of measles in the Maldives, according to WHO, back in the 1950’s a quarter of the children in the Maldives did not live to celebrate their first birthday due to the deadly spread of measles within the country.
While we may all be familiar with COVID-19 as the biggest pandemic, back in the 1950s measles was spreading at extreme rates. According to statistics, close to 90 percent of all children under the age of 15 were infected with measles globally.
And now, the Maldives is yet again faced with two cases of measles being detected in the country, taking many by surprise as people have not heard of a case of measles within the country in a long time.
On 3rd April 2023, the Health Protection Agency (HPA), confirmed two cases of measles. One of the cases is confirmed to be from Addu atoll and the agency has further confirmed that the incubation period for the child who tested positive has passed and it is not likely to spread.
With the identification of these two cases, media outlets along with HPA and individuals on social media have also taken it upon themselves to inform the public about the symptoms of measles which include:
With the increasing number of anti-vaxxers in the Maldives and all around the globe, following the two detected measles cases the public has yet again started the conversation surrounding the importance of vaccination. While the Maldives might have had herd immunity back in 2020, this may not remain the same if more and more people stop administering vaccines, and the possibility of eradicated diseases such as measles coming back would be highly likely.
Though there are only two cases detected, the public has been asked to keep a watch out for any symptoms of the disease.