Happy World Tourism Day!
On 27 September 1970, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Statutes were adopted — and from 1980 the day is celebrated every year as the World Tourism Day.

On 27 September 1970, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Statutes were adopted — and from 1980 the day is celebrated every year as the World Tourism Day.
Dear reader,
Pardon us as we take a break from our regularly scheduled programming, ever so slightly, to highlight, and include, some otherwise relevant stories.
As the world celebrated Tourism Day this week we thought it prudent to widen MFR’s focus. In this edition you will find we have included some present concerns and future expectations when it comes to the single biggest contributor to the Maldives’ GDP — while one story covers employees in the tourism sector, we also sat down with the Minister of Tourism, Dr. Abdulla Mausoom, for an exclusive interview.
Fear not however, as our focus on Governance is also fairly well attended to — MFR looks at the nation’s Pension system, climate inaction, the drug problem, a health sector is near dire straits, and more.
This will be MFR’s last week with a themed focus on Governance, so join us next week for new stories with a brand new focus.
Be sure to tune in — same MFR time, same MFR channel!
The Editor.