Featured Edition
This week we highlight our ‘Top 10’ most read stories as we take a short break from new weekly features.

This week we highlight our ‘Top 10’ most read stories as we take a short break from new weekly features.
Dear reader,
For this week we have highlighted the ten most read stories on the Maldives Financial Review as we take a break from our usual coverage over the long holiday break.
We will be back with all new stories next week.
In the meantime you can now submit opinion pieces to us directly by heading over to our ‘Opinions’ section and choosing the ’Submit your Opinion’ option.
As our Editorial Team takes full responsibility for the content published by MFR, all submissions will be vetted before they can be selected for publication. Additionally submissions may be edited before they are published in order to meet word counts and other internal content guidelines, however every effort will be taken not to alter the ’spirit’ in which it is originally written.
We hope you have all had a well deserved break after more than a year of disruptions and that you will enjoy going through some older stories you had found stimulating when you had initially come across them — or that you happen on ones that may have passed you by.
In the meantime please stay safe and we will see you next week, as promised, with new stories.
The Editor.