MWSC WQA Commercial Program

Source - MWSC
Source - MWSC
Since achieving accreditation of upholding ISO standard 17025 of laboratory in 2013, Maldives Water and Sewerage Company, MWSC, has been the leader of cutting edge testing services in the Maldives. Rather than just catering to administrative requirements of the capital city of Malé, MWSC had taken upon expanding the existing “MWSC Utility Solutions” program in 2016, which includes a Water Quality Assurance service. This is the service that takes its next step this year.
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MWSC’s ISO 17025 certified state-of-the-art laboratory in Vilimalé ensures that the analytical tests required by resorts are met with the strictest of regulations and vigorous testing methodologies, ensuring that the quality of water meets the standards of Utility Regulatory Authority. Their aim with this new door of opportunity is to give prospective clients the ability to create tailor-made testing and research packages, and the list of testing and quality assurance services is a long one. Already, the lab offers lab equipment calibration, lab testing, chemicals, equipment and training and consultancy services for interested clients.
The service initially used to be localised testing of MWSC provided water supply, but even in the beginning their capacity allowed them to include testing services for third party clients as well. Their outreach increased to a point where now, according to their Head of Quality Assurance, Mohamed Eyman states, they are at a 50/50 balance between both internal and commercial external testing services.
The ISO standard they have achieved is not limited to just testing water sources, but also a standard that determines their laboratory instrumentation used for various other needs as well. Two more services worthy of mention, Eyman pointed out, would be that of laboratory equipment calibration for other newly established facilities, all the way to engine lubricant testing as well, which has been done internally thus far.
Furthermore, their services also include trainings and consultancy services, of which trainings has been a focus point. Such training services are available for both government and commercial entities, with laboratory research and other related fields of instruction. All of these achievements and milestones has allowed MWSC to be the utility service with the highest confidence in water quality testing, as well as building public confidence to higher levels every year.
The main customer targets for MWSC under their WQA service provision are Resort Developers, Resort and Hotel enterprises, as well as Major Construction companies. From this list, the focus is most keen on resorts and hotels, as they are under obligation to ensure proper guidelines are met under the URA requirements.
What sets MWSC apart in this regard are their unique selling propositions. They are certified OHSAS as well ISO standard, providing not only testing services but the highest quality WQA products for clients. In addition, they are now providing recurrent testing services on contract, thus increasing the outreach and accessibility to any and all in the client base.
According to Mr Eyman, these comprehensive packages include a range of parameters to suit commercialized islands for a full analysis of the R.O systems & other amenities for their water quality assurance needs on a routine basis. This valuable Water Quality Assurance (WQA) package includes comprehensive list of weekly, monthly, biannual and annual testing parameters and is offered as a complete annual package with a discounted annual fee. Furthermore, dispatching samples to laboratories abroad on behalf of clients for particular tests, is also a service they offer.
Below are the many options for prospective clients to choose from for their annual contract with MWSC. For those looking to secure these services, the technicalities would be helpful to define, as the table also differentiates the timelines of such testing services.
MWSC has been a groundbreaker in the group of Maldivian utility services, and has been doing so year after year. With this new commercial venture, MWSC continues to strive not only to improve, but also help clients and partner entities grow and develop together with them.