Iraqi refugee desecrates Quran during Eid rally in Sweden

Following the mass calls for action to be taken for this hate crime, the authorities have stated that they were now investigating these actions by Salwan Momimika as ‘agitation against an ethnic group’.

Tehran Times

Tehran Times

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, one cannot ignore the remarkable tapestry of faith that exists among humanity. Spanning continents and encompassing countless cultures, religions have played a vital role in shaping the lives and beliefs of individuals throughout history. However, amidst this rich mosaic of beliefs, it is disheartening to witness the persistence of hatred and discrimination against certain religions, most notably Islam. 

In the modern era, Islam, one of the world's largest religions, has faced undue scrutiny, misrepresentation, and vilification. While things have been mild on the international news front since the Christchurch mosque shooting that took place in New Zealand, it appears that following the recent celebration of Eid Al Adha, another large display of religious extremism has taken place, this time in Sweden.

During a rally that was hosted in Sweden to celebrate the happy occasion of Eid, an Iraqi refugee desecrated the Quran, leading to several countries condemning his behaviour. This ‘protest’ by the Iraqi refugee named Salwan Momika was carried out after permission was granted by the Swedish authorities, however, following the mass calls for action to be taken for this hate crime, the authorities have stated that they were now investigating these actions by Salwan Momimika as ‘agitation against an ethnic group’. 

The actions of this individual have garnered significant attention from Muslim communities worldwide. In a highly controversial display, he not only tore the Quran and set some pages on fire but went even further by placing a strip of bacon, which is considered haram in Islam, on top of the sacred book. To escalate matters, he proceeded to stamp on the Quran with his foot. His explicit intention, as conveyed through a megaphone by the man standing beside Salwan Momika during these abhorrent acts, was to advocate for the banning of the Quran in Sweden. These extreme actions were carried out on a day that should have been filled with joy and celebration.

Despite the alarming and hateful behaviour that occurred during the Eid rally, many nations have expressed their condemnation of these extreme actions. However, amidst the turmoil, the attendees of the rally exhibited remarkable courage and resilience. Around 200 people gathered at the event, choosing to disregard the provocateur's acts of religious hatred. Instead, they chose to continue their celebration of Eid with unwavering determination.

In a powerful display of unity, the rallygoers not only distributed chocolates as a gesture of goodwill but also engaged in positive interactions with the police officers present at the event. Despite the provocations by Salwan Momika, who aimed to elicit a negative response from the Muslim community, the attendees chose to rise above the hate and foster conversations that promoted understanding and harmony. Their refusal to be swayed by the divisive actions of one individual served as a testament to their strength and resilience.

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