BML announces graduate internship program
Like most internships, this graduate program will be graded upon good performance, attendance and adherence to policies and procedures at the end of the program.

Like most internships, this graduate program will be graded upon good performance, attendance and adherence to policies and procedures at the end of the program.
With the constant struggle to find internships, especially paid internships in the Maldives, the announcement by the Bank of Maldives regarding the graduate internship comes as a relief to many. In order to give graduates the opportunity to gain experience in the working world, BML has opened up the application for the 12-month-long graduate program on the 27th of June.
Like most internships, this graduate program will be graded upon good performance, attendance and adherence to policies and procedures at the end of the program. Interns will also be assigned a line manager as well as a mentor to guide them through the internship process and achieve the best knowledge the BML internship program has to offer. An added advantage to this graduate program is the benefits that come along with it, which include receiving on-the-job training. While the interns will receive a high level of competence that will prove to be beneficial to their career, they will also receive a certificate upon completion. Other added benefits include:
BML also published the eligibility criteria in order to get into the program:
An internship opportunity with so many benefits and so few requirements is difficult to come by, so if you are eligible and want to apply, click the link below.